i have always had a passion and love for music. some of my earliest photos and videos are of me singing and playing instruments. i first did piano lessons when i was 4, and it continued up until i was about 9. i did not like piano lessons. they felt a bit like a chore. my first piano teacher was from china. because the culture in china is different, and because my family didnt know i had autism, she was very very strict with me, to the point that after several lessons i just felt belittled. my family says she really liked me, even though it didnt feel like it at the time. i dont have very many memories of my other piano teachers, but they were all considerably nicer. too bad i dropped piano after lessons and didnt pick it up again until quite recently.
i started playing ukulele when i had just turned 11. i loved it so much. sometimes i would play on trains during rush hour. unfortunately, londoners are miserable, so i rarely got acknowledged. i dont know if its still happening, but there were public ukulele playing events on wednesdays, and i attended them whenever i could. it was magical.
when i was 12, my mother took me to a concert of a band called "pixies". i loved it so much that it became my life for about 2 years or so. i discovered a lot of amazing rock bands after that. my favourites, other than pixies, were nirvana, breeders, and queens of the stone age (i do not like the qotsa frontman). i still like all of those bands, though i dont listen to them as much as i used to. ive found i like all genres of music, including some charting stuff. i can like anything, really. pop, rock, metal, hip hop, electronic, even classical.
for my 18th birthday, my mum got me a ticket to the foo fighters. it was so fun, i danced for hours and hours until it was dark. the people were super friendly, one of them tried to get me to sing along, but i was socially awkward. i also didnt remember the words, which probably didnt help. my favourite foo fighters album is probably "the color and the shape", but i also really like "echoes silence patience & grace" as well as their self titled first album. some of my favourite albums from other artists include "in utero" by nirvana, "licensed to ill" by beastie boys, "master of puppets" by metallica, "surfer rosa" by pixies, there are a lot of them.
ive recently been getting into artists like femtanyl and kendrick lamar. my parents do not understand either of these artists, but they think its nice that i like them, so thats good. kendricks album "to pimp a butterfly" is considered to be among the greatest of albums. i tried playing some for my mother but she said it "wasnt her thing". she prefers "ok computer" by radiohead. i will be fair, that is also a marvellous album.
im not sure what to write that i havent already said. i guess to wrap it up, i will give you a recommendation for a music artist. i really like pavement. their music is indie rock, and it is gorgeous. sonic youth also seems nice, even though i havent listened to them that much.
thats all i have for now. thank you.
- carson
(p.s. below is a very old gif of my rat character dancing. sync it up with music, if youd like. but dont sync it with problematic or inappropriate music, or i wont like you anymore)